Saturday, October 8, 2011

The pros and cons of blogging as a collaborative tool.

Blogs have become an important part of the Internet. They have changed the way people communicate. Here are some pros and cons of blogging in education as a collaborative tool.

  1. Communication - Instead of using journals, you can post your thoughts and then have anyone who reads reflect on what is written. The dialogue is highly valuable and can shape learning in a fast, new direction.
  2. Connections - By tagging your blog, people from around the world can view and comment on the topic you are discussing. This can bring many different views that may not have been available before.
  3. Creativity - With the addition of multimedia such as pictures and videos, you can have a variety of elements that attract the viewer. Like this!

That's me! In Prague in 2003.

  1. Updates - I am one who can speak to this. As an educator, it is important to keep things up to date, but it is also a HUGE challenge to keep up with everything in the classroom as well as extra efforts to make learning environment but we do everything we can, because we care.
  2. Interaction - While the communication is great, it is communication through the computer and not real live interaction between people. Some may argue that it doesn't matter, but I feel that there is no real substitute for live interaction between people.
Please let me know what you think and if you have something to add or if you disagree. Enjoy!